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Have you ever found yourself captivated by the journey of an anime character, as the¬ir story seems to reflect your own reality? Anime goes beyond its visual appeal and intricate plotlines; it beautifully mirrors the diverse experiences of humanity. 1. The Essence of Anime: Character Development Anime embodies the essence of personal growth, setting it apart from other forms of storytelling. It delves into the depths of its characters' personalities, guiding them through transformative journeys that re¬sonate with our own human quests. From thoughtful protagonists to loyal companions, each individual undergoes their own challenges and celebrates victories that make them relatable and enduring figures. This deep connection between viewers and these animated Characters elevates exceptional anime beyond mere adequacy. Anime surpasses mere entertainment; it provides an unparalleled portrayal of the human experience compared to other forms of media. As we immerse ourselves in the perspe

An action packed manga: dolly kill kill

Although manga is not something I talk about often, this particular one has caught my interest in the most intriguing way possible and I know it'll do the same for you.   Dolly kill kill portrays the so-called 'apocalypse' but in a much more different way than other anime and mangas have done so far, yet it still has the basic rule down. what basic rule do you think it can possibly have? it has completely lovable characters and the main character has a specific goal in mind and has in one way or another, gotten a power-up that would be useful in this end-time scenario. Summary Iruma Ikaruga is living his best high-school life until mascot-looking aliens from another world invade with their flesh-eating bugs, seemingly hell-bent on destroying humanity violently and effectively. panels: 7/10   its panels are amazing, even to the extent that one would love it from the very first episode.  storyline: 9/10    as I've said previously, it's an apocalypse world manga that p

Solo leveling is overhyped

solo leveling is a great manhwa, it's one of the most popular manhwa currently waiting on its anime adaptation to be released not only that but it has a perfect animation and storyline but there's one thing it lacks and people tend to sleep on that fact because of it's action and fighting scene WORLD BUILDING.  Solo leveling lacks the essential world-building to form the perfect storyline. there's no essential reason why he(sung jin woo) was given his abilities it was just based on dumb luck and even other hunters in the entire series had to rely on luck to get stronger. he didn't really have any rivals and the characters were not emphasized upon there was no back story or an arc that wasn't about him. the side characters were made completely useless.  the one part that was actually entertaining was the first 30 episodes. the reason for that was because while sung jin woo was still a weak E-class hunter he had to use his head, think and come up with strategies t