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Have you ever found yourself captivated by the journey of an anime character, as the¬ir story seems to reflect your own reality? Anime goes beyond its visual appeal and intricate plotlines; it beautifully mirrors the diverse experiences of humanity. 1. The Essence of Anime: Character Development Anime embodies the essence of personal growth, setting it apart from other forms of storytelling. It delves into the depths of its characters' personalities, guiding them through transformative journeys that re¬sonate with our own human quests. From thoughtful protagonists to loyal companions, each individual undergoes their own challenges and celebrates victories that make them relatable and enduring figures. This deep connection between viewers and these animated Characters elevates exceptional anime beyond mere adequacy. Anime surpasses mere entertainment; it provides an unparalleled portrayal of the human experience compared to other forms of media. As we immerse ourselves in the perspe

Unbreakable; the reverse regression manwha

Once in a while a good manwha pops up here and there but on even rarer occasions a different manwha comes along. And when I say different I'm talking about a manwha with an entirely new storyline that I haven't heard of before.  In the manwha "Unbreakable" we have something like a reverse regression where everyone in the story is a regressor except the main character. That's right as absurd as it is the main character is the only non-regressor in the entire series and this causes the storyline to play out in an entirely different and interesting way. Art For the art of this manwha... I'll have to say it's not the best I've seen so far but it's certainly not the worst, even though the art style can be better, it's made to suit the storyline and for that, I will give it a solid 6 over 10. Pacing   One of the most underrated aspects to talk about when reviewing a series is it's pacing because the pacing is what will give the manwha a proper bu

Hellcraft; a mixture of death note and future diary

After digging through websites and apps looking for the perfect manwha for me to read, I came across one that is a particularly interesting cover and I could tell instantly that this manwha is THE ONE. Yes, the one I've been looking for, although I am aware it's incorrect to judge a manwha by its cover art but let's all agree that it plays a huge role in how we select manwhas. Ok, the first thing I noticed about it was its art, filled with nicely drawn-out characters, such that you could see its outline clearly. These are the kinds of things I'm looking for. After reading through a few episodes,  I noticed how peculiar the storyline was. I've read lots of mangas and manwhas but I have not seen one with a similar storyline (there are few exceptions) Storyline Baphomet, the new ruler of the new he**, has chosen Seung-gi to be his subordinate as the creator of this new he**. Seung-gi is a high school student who has been betrayed by the world and has gone into hidi

An action packed manga: dolly kill kill

Although manga is not something I talk about often, this particular one has caught my interest in the most intriguing way possible and I know it'll do the same for you.   Dolly kill kill portrays the so-called 'apocalypse' but in a much more different way than other anime and mangas have done so far, yet it still has the basic rule down. what basic rule do you think it can possibly have? it has completely lovable characters and the main character has a specific goal in mind and has in one way or another, gotten a power-up that would be useful in this end-time scenario. Summary Iruma Ikaruga is living his best high-school life until mascot-looking aliens from another world invade with their flesh-eating bugs, seemingly hell-bent on destroying humanity violently and effectively. panels: 7/10   its panels are amazing, even to the extent that one would love it from the very first episode.  storyline: 9/10    as I've said previously, it's an apocalypse world manga that p

Why you should be reading lookism

Animes are good and all but it's not a surprise that most people sleep on manga, manhwas, manhua, and webtoons. there is a situation that occurred to me some months ago, after realizing all the various anime and videos I had watched I realized this empty feeling... that anime was no longer able to fill up. I decided to take a break from anime a little but I needed something to fill my time that's when I started reading manga and webtoons.  I've read so many webtoons at this point and I feel the need to tell you of one of my favorite webtoons " LOOKISM "  this anime might appear as the typical mystery high school webtoons but it's much deeper than that. it tells the story of a boy Daniel who was bullied for being fat. he was fat, ugly, and completely repulsive to look at... at least that's what he thought but all of that changed when he changed school and found out that he has a perfect new body one. perfect height, body composure, looks muscles, and all th