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Have you ever found yourself captivated by the journey of an anime character, as the¬ir story seems to reflect your own reality? Anime goes beyond its visual appeal and intricate plotlines; it beautifully mirrors the diverse experiences of humanity. 1. The Essence of Anime: Character Development Anime embodies the essence of personal growth, setting it apart from other forms of storytelling. It delves into the depths of its characters' personalities, guiding them through transformative journeys that re¬sonate with our own human quests. From thoughtful protagonists to loyal companions, each individual undergoes their own challenges and celebrates victories that make them relatable and enduring figures. This deep connection between viewers and these animated Characters elevates exceptional anime beyond mere adequacy. Anime surpasses mere entertainment; it provides an unparalleled portrayal of the human experience compared to other forms of media. As we immerse ourselves in the perspe

Anime characters who died honorable deaths

After writing about 'most painful anime deaths' and 'top most bad ass anime character', I got an inspiration:   Many anime characters die, good more than bad, and that has always wretched at my heart but the thing is; although many characters die, they die out of sickness or some kind of unwanted disasters and may never fulfill that which they had planned. To die honorably is to die while holding/standing for that which you believe in even at the cost of your life, one might even call it dying as a hero to yourself and your beliefs.    There are anime characters who died doing what they felt was right, protecting, helping, guiding, loving, e.t.c.  NOTE; this list will not include any character from 'akame ga kill' as they all died honorably; both the heroes and the villains. It will be unfair for them to all take the spot in this list so I decided to let them sit this one out.      8. IGGY Iggy is the least expectant character for someone who hasn't watched